360 degree feedback – live info-graphic
The latest version of BSC Designer supports live info-graphic. We have designed info-graphic for 360 degree feedback toolkit.
- Check also 360 Degree Feedback Step-by-Step Guide
How to try it:
- Download the latest version of BSC Designer PRO
- Open “360 Degree Feedback.bsc” from “C:\program file\Sample Scorecards”
What you can do:
- Go to “Tree” tab (at the bottom), select any indicator or category, update value of indicator or category, results will be immediately represented on strategy map tab.
- Use resulted info-graphic according to your needs, for instance you can use Reports -> Strategy map -> Strategy map report command to generate HTML report or you can simply export info-graphic as an image (see Export command in Strategy map menu).
Here how it works
1. Various perspectives and indicators
Indicators for each perspective
Custom measure units
In BSC Designer you can customize these units according to your needs.
Final calculations
Formulas are changeable
Check results