Why Companies Should Pay Attention to KPI for Recruitment

Recruitment has always been very important in the success of any business or enterprise. This is because the employees are the most important assets any business could ever have. These are the frontliners, the ones who really go out and face your customers head-on. Thus, it is important for any business to pay attention to their recruitment endeavors, and this calls for the implementation of KPI for recruitment.

You do not just hire the first person who tries out for any position in your company. This is definitely a no-no for there are certain aspects to consider prior to hiring any one of your job applicants. You need to take into consideration the applicant’s personal background, educational attainment, professional experience, the works. This is so that you can be sure that the person you hire for the job is indeed the right person for the job. After all, recruitment is an investment all on its own. The company would have to shell out money to hold all recruitment activities, not to mention the training costs entailed in hiring new people no matter the position.

Now that we have established the importance of the process of recruitment in any company, let us move on to the aspect of KPIs, or key performance indicators. These are actually specific measures that are set by the company to assess its own performance, especially when it comes to checking its present progress against corporate goals and objectives that have long been established by the company itself. When placed in the context of recruitment, obviously, these KPIs work to aim for the improvement of their recruitment process. Here are some of the metrics that are used by the lot of companies and corporations nowadays – quantity, quality, and duration.

Quantity pertains to the number of applicants trying out for a particular position. The rule of thumb here is that the more applicants recruited by the company for a single open position, the better it is for the company. After all, you need to have a larger pool of applicants so that you can better find the one most suited for the position, right?

Quality, on the other hand, pertains to getting the right person for the job. This is actually the most important metric of the batch when it comes to finding KPIs for recruitment, for this is the most challenging endeavor of all. From the given pool of applications, which is inevitably large all on its own, the recruitment staff is given the responsibility of screening all of these applicants and weeding out the qualified ones from the batch. From the qualified applicants, further weeding is made until the team reaches the very important decision of choosing just one qualified applicant.

Lastly, duration refers to the period of time the company needs to fill an open position. The important thing to take note of here is that it is not healthy for the company to take too long when recruiting and hiring. Remember that there is an available position in the company because there is a lack of manpower here. Thus, it is important to include duration as a KPI for recruitment, so that the recruitment team can focus on that as well.

If you are interested in kpi for recruitment, check this web-site to learn more about roi for recruitment.